Prairie Junction Toffee


Locally made Toffee from Prairie Junction Toffees! Available in four flavors!


Almond: Made with milk chocolate on both sides with almonds roasted inside the toffee to give a great bite without breaking your teeth. Almond Toffee is gluten-free, made in small batches with quality ingredients.


Dark Almond Toffee: Made with Dark Chocolate with a hint of Fleur de Sel sprinkled on top with roasted almonds inside the toffee.


In The Rye: Milk chocolate toffee infused with Straight Rye Whiskey from Wisconsin’s own Driftless Glen. The Toffee in the Rye is our only toffee without almonds to bring that popular Rye Whiskey taste forward. It has milk chocolate on both sides with Rye Whiskey cooked within the toffee.


Bourbon Toffee: Internationally awarded placing 2nd in the world in a blind tasting competition. Gluten-free, made in small batches with milk chocolate on both sides with almonds roasted in bourbon to give it the most delicate texture.


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